
My thoughts on design, advice for those seeking design solutions, and personal process.

Why It’s Important to Build a Relationship With Your Designer [4 Benefits]


A good designer will go to bat for your brand in situations where you may not be as well-equipped to. When a designer really gets to know your company through research and an open dialogue, they can better understand how to meet your goals through visual work.

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1. They can make design decisions that align with your values and goals

A designer who has come to know your brand well (possibly by helping you build it) already knows your values and goals and will already be building designs that support them, no matter the context. And when a project meets challenges along the way, the designer will already know how to respond on your brand’s behalf, or at least the right questions to ask you in order to proceed.

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2. They can act as liaison to vendors to ensure consistent brand integrity

For example, if challenges arise from production or installation of a project, your designer can provide the voice and knowledge to make sure compromises aren’t made that will negatively affect your brand’s values or goals, and make sure the project is completed exactly as intended. If the designer shares your knowledge and passion about your brand, they will gladly fight for it in design and production arenas.

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3. They can optimize your brand around its strengths while being aware of its challenges

Open communication with your designer can also ensure that they are sympathetic to your company’s limitations or challenges when it comes to design solutions. Much of these aspects can be communicated in the initial phase of your relationship, with something called discovery. Discovery is simply the process by which a designer will research, ask questions, and analyze your business in order to see what makes your company tick, and what doesn’t, and optimize your tickers with design.

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4. They can come up with new solutions for evolving business obstacles 

What was true during the discovery phase may not be true down the road. Markets change and evolve, and businesses acquire new assets or lose them. A healthy flow of conversation between you and the designer can help them know when to change messaging or visuals to better suit your company’s needs.

Remember that the designer’s efforts are all for the good of your brand. That’s the common goal. If your designer doesn’t know your brand, they can’t be an advocate for it and in turn, can’t help you grow and get more people on board with your brand.